It’s time to take business seriously with Serious Business Solutions

Why do you need a business plan?

There are dozens of reasons a professionally written business plan is vital to the success of your company. 

  • You have an idea and don’t know where to start

  • You are prepping for investors 

  • Getting ready to apply for a loan  

  • You want to manage cash flow 

  • You want to increase profitability 

  • Applying for a lease 

Writing a business plan can be overwhelming and take weeks or even months. With over 25 years in writing business plans for companies that are looking for a loan, commercial space, government contract, or as a living document to guide their business, Joann Seery will write your company’s business plan and teach you how to review it and make appropriate changes as necessary. 

The Process: 

  • Schedule a discovery call with Joann Seery

  • Schedule the contract. 

  • A deposit is made for each milestone.

  • Receive documentation, website, notes, resumes that is available. 

  • Research is done for the city/county/state to see what type of legal entity. 

  • Worksheet is sent. 

  • Calls are scheduled once every other week to go over the plan step-by-step to read over it together, provide input and get questions answered. 

It’s time to take business seriously with Serious Business Solutions.  

Meet Joann Seery

Joann Seery

Joann has helped thousands of businesses from startup to success. She has an MBA in entrepreneurship. In 2006 she was elected Top Technical Assistant Provider in Hawaii. She has helped more SMOs get business loans than any of the banks in Hawaii. She has written hundreds of business plans. In 2008 she was given the Award for Woman In Business in Hawaii.

Joann’s father was a shoemaker. He was very good at his craft but not a good business owner. Joann’s parents struggled to get by and would often argue about money. Joann would sit at his job and run the cash register on the weekends. She always wanted to help him run his business and be successful. That ignited her passion for helping small business owners like you be successful!